This whole brainstorm started around 4:45 a.m. and
culminated at 5:50 a.m., when I realized sleep would not come - despite having
gone to bed at 2 a.m. That’s how you know you’re really jazzed about whatever
it is you’re thinking about. So I put on a pot of coffee and here I am in front
of the glow of the computer screen, with some very shadowy, phantom light just
creeping up the horizon of the Cleveland sky, replete with a great blanket of snow beneath it.
What’s got me up isn’t just my bucket list goal of writing
more and being published; it’s much more than that. If you’ve got the time to give
your coffee a warm-up and stay awhile here with me, I’d love to tell you about
it. I’ve always been at my best in the written word. And, perhaps, if I can
connect with enough of you, we all might be changed for the better and might
also do some good as a result of it.
So I told you I want to write more, and I do. But I want to
write more with a specific publication in my sights: The Cleveland Plain
Dealer. Here’s the rub: how do I write more for a publication that’s in
jeopardy of being diminished at best and phased out at worst? Now THAT is what
has got me out from underneath my down comforter on a frigid winter morning
before first light.
Some people like yourself, 7,314 to be exact, have signed
the petition to save the Plain Dealer. Many others have written letters and
gone to community events to speak out. As is so often said, every little bit
helps. And if I’ve learned one thing in my life, the squeaky wheel truly does
get the grease. Much has been written about why the cuts facing the Plain
Dealer are devastating: the journalists (and likely, editors, reporters and
photographers) whose jobs are on the chopping block; the fact that our city
could become the largest in the United States without a daily paper; watered
down, digitized content that doesn’t adequately reflect the breadth, depth and
vibrancy of what is really going on in Cleveland. But here’s what I haven’t
seen written, spoken or tweeted yet: the dreams – like mine – that fall flat
before they’ve even had the chance to produce anything. How can I aspire to
share great content and connect with people through my cherished newspaper if
it “isn’t interested in new talent” because its parent company is too busy
cutting corners and looking for ad revenue? The short, somewhat crappy, bleak
answer is: I can’t.
But for those of you that know me personally, you know very
well, that just isn’t good enough for a gal like me. For those of you that don’t
know me, let me fill you in, I’m an “if they tell you no, then just put on your
best smile – and your best outfit doesn’t hurt either – and show them what YES
looks like.” In my case, it’s usual smart, tenacious, and a little kooky with a
killer fashion sense.
So, I’m getting noisy from my corner of our awesome city –
which happens to be in Tremont, by the way – and I’m ready to lend my voice, my
thoughts, my keystrokes, to save the PD and
keep my dream of one day being a columnist for it, alive. Because if there
is one thing this city, my city, your city – OUR CITY – stands for, it’s
standing up despite adversity, “oh so close” moments, and keeping faith alive
when others would have us believe it’s just not meant for us to win. This time,
I’m hell bent we win this one. Taking my
talents elsewhere is not an option, and it shouldn’t be forced upon the talent
at the Plain Dealer (current and future), either.
Well, my coffee cup is now empty. And yours probably is too.
The chat, as enlightening as it’s been, is over. Now it’s time to take some
action: pass this blog post along, join the Facebook
community to save the PD, sign the petition.
Remember, when I mentioned that 7,314 have signed? We are a city of
390,000-plus. I have 541 Facebook friends, as of today anyway, and if you’re
reading this, you’re likely one of them. How many Facebook friends, Twitter
followers, email contacts, colleagues past and present, college, high school,
middle school, kindergarten acquaintances, ex boyfriends or girlfriends,
babysitters, dog walkers, etc., etc. (you get the drift), do YOU have?
Imagine what impact we might have together. One small choice, when amplified by
many, is not so very small, and I for one believe we, Cleveland, are mighty and
worthy of being treated and represented like the major, kick ass city we are. Morning
coffee, paper and all.
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